Hobbyist Community

Many hobbyists and breeders have developed their own methods for the best care of their creatures and we are all continually learning and improving and sharing our techniques. You don’t have to follow a particular person or method as they may vary widely, but absorb and utilise all of the available advice and ideas and with experience, add or develop your own.

There are many reputable hobbyists and breeders like us with years of experience who are passionate about the creatures they keep and are happy to offer help and advice. We don’t profess to be experts, but years of hands-on experience provides invaluable knowledge and tips to make husbandry easier and continually improve the lives of the creatures in our care.

You will quickly find like minded enthusiasts at various shows around the UK and on social media where you can support genuine hobbyists so we can all continue to enjoy these stunning creatures in healthy and sustainable populations.